Monday In the morning we have design thinking with Ravel and chose the leader and worked the rest of the day on the video to be posted on the blog. Everyone recorded your part. Tuesday The morning and afternoon were directed to the production of the prototype of the app and game drawings with pen and in programs. Wednesday All-day reserved for the team time, we work on the prototypes, and energy calculations about the consume and produce energy, always looking for reliable data. Thursday In the morning we had a meeting with Sirlon and Renata and we talked about on-grid and battery and, the gamification idea. we researched more about on-grid and the bureaucracy of getting a discount from Enel, so we added the option of the discount coming from a shop. Friday In the morning, we presented the ideas to Ravel, received guidance from him and started to organize the ideas about the presentation to the counterpart. In the afternoon some energy consumption calculations were worked out and an Exel table was created for the aid and to present these data to the counterpart.
Updated: Apr 4, 2020